Aules Obertes infantil 2025

During the infant school stage, the children develop a mental and corporal knowledge both on a personal and social scale, together with a vast improvement of all language acquired.

Infantil Escola Meritxell de Mataró

We consider it very important that, from the very first stage of school, the children start to become familiar with daily habits.  These habits need to be instilled in order for them to become as self-sufficient as possible, which in turn will assist in their social acceptance, a better development of their own possibilities and the acquirement of knowledge.  Through games, we teach them habits of self-sufficiency, mixing, order and personal hygiene.

Our infant school accepts and respects each and every child who comes to Meritxell, and through their own experiences, expectations and personal skills, which added to the activities, games and the learning process we provide, the children develop their own abilities.

The Infant school programme is structured within 3 large areas which are interacted and linked up.


Reference is made to the knowledge of him/herself and what is understood by identity, which is also attached to the world around us. The end result of this project is to draw out the child’s curiosity, his desire to observe, compare, take the initiative, resolve problems and understand different processes.


Infantil Escola Meritxell de Mataró

We refer to the interaction needed by the children in order to know about the world around them.  Work is based on direct or indirect observations, handling and experimenting.


The link between the first two areas is made via different languages: musical, artistic, mathematical, verbal and corporal.

The foreign language taught is worked on a daily basis, and starting with P3, it is English.  This is acquired via oral communication with the English teachers, strictly in this language, at every moment of the school day.  There are 5 hours of English a week, added to which the school offers extra classes, outside the curriculum, in this subject.

The art of creativity is used by our students as a strategy for stimulating their development, diverse thinking, together with a multitude of intellect.

Infantil Escola Meritxell de Mataró

The co-operative method of learning is also introduced from the very first school year as a strategy to potentiate the competence of our pupils.

All the classrooms in the infant school have computers and access to I Pads which, seen as a form of playing, strengthens and assists, through various programmes and different applications, various methods of learning.

Furthermore, in the classrooms of P4 and P5, there are interactive digital blackboards, the educational advantages of which are unquestionable.  We are talking about means of communication, learning and interaction.

The school also offers two groups in each form year, the ratio in the infant section being 25 students per class.  The timetable is from 9 – 13h and from 15 – 17h Mondays to Fridays, making a total of 30 hours of class a week.

The school also offers an Educational Psychology Department for children experiencing special needs or learning difficulties, with qualified, experienced tutors.

Our students can be dropped off and collected both mornings and afternoons outside of school hours plus there is a school bus, dining facilities with a monitor service and also various extra school activities, not forgetting Meritxell’s own Language Academy.

For further information you can log on to “FACILITIES” on our web site.