matricula 2025 grup

The Educational Psychology Department is a service offered by the school with the objective of looking after our students, taking into account their different personal realities and considering them in a global way, too. Its main intervention work is based on prevention and they also provide help to parents, students and teachers on their day to day life.The team is composed by educational psychologists and psychologists, whose aim is to contribute to the personal and social development of the students, going beyond the knowledge acquisition of each school subject.


Educational Psychologist Team Members

• Roser Just (Psychologist).

• Esther Brecha (Psychologist and psychopedagogue). 

• Carla Aguilar (Pedagogue).

• María Lluïsa Grimal (Philologist and speech therapist).


Department Functions

Analysing and evaluating students who have difficulties that may slow down their school or personal development.

• Making individual and group psychological evaluations (response tests).


Servei de Psicopedagogia Escola Meritxell de Mataró

Orienting , assessing and giving support to teachers during the teaching-learning process and to students with special educational needs , taking as a reference the curricular learning processes and its determinants.

• Giving strategies and resources in response to diversity.

• Assessing on the creation of Indivuidual Curriculums (PI). Creating action plans to prevent students’ learning difficulties.


• Referring psychotherapy cases to other centers or external professionals because this diagnosis can not be done by the school department.

Doing the follow-up with specialists and professionals who work with the students outside our school hours , with the objective to share information and unify actions about these students.


EAP (Teaching Department)

Social worker from the “Diputació” ­

CSMIJ (Mataró Hospital) ­

Open Center (Mataró)

CREDA (Speech Therapy Service for Children with hearing problems)

Private psychologists

Private Speech Therapists


Les emocions DOIP Escola

Holding Parents and tutor meetings about the specific problems of a student , and orienting them about the best therapy to follow.

• Casual meetings with some students of Primary Education , Secondary and Batxillerat.

• Giving support to newcomers (teachers and students).

• Working with small groups of students to help them with their learning process. 



Once the student detects the student difficulty , he reports the problem to the family and sends the demand to the Department. Then , the Department evaluates the student and assesses the family and the school tutor. At this point , the possibility for the student to work in small groups is considered.


How to contact us?

→ Through tutor student.

→ Calling directly at school, 937 556 550.