CIC Languages Mataró School-Meritxell School
The Meritxell Foundation has initiated a process of collaboration with the CIC Cultural Institution, with the clear and determined intention of providing an offer of quality in the teaching of languages in the region.
The joint objective is that the Meritxell School-CIC Languages Mataró becomes and consolidates itself as a prestigious reference throughout the Maresme.
CIC Language School is supported by more than 45 years’ experience dedicated to the organisation of language courses.
The school has always had the collaboration of outstanding professionals, specialised in foreign language teaching. Nowadays, the school teaches English, French and German in the Via Augusta and Gracia School, in the new center in Sant Cugat and in other schools, universities, companies and institutions, like the Meritxell School, which has relied on their method.
CIC Language School trains its teachers on a regular basis, using a methodology and style which characterises the school, emphasizing on the new web tools 2.0 useful in a language classroom.
The students have their learning progress guaranteed due to the follow-up work of tutors from the CIC Coordination Team and the Meritxell School.
Due to its wide experience and its excellent results throughout all these years, the CIC Language School has acquired a popular recognition which makes it crucial to obtain Language Certificates and qualifications.
Every year, the schools of CIC Language School receive pupils who come from different areas. Nevertheless, the school integrates this diversity with its own style and methodology, characteristics that have made the school become a reference in the world of language learning.
CIC language school objectives
The school objectives are both pedagogic and sociocultural.
About the sociocultural objectives, the school especially promotes RESPECT towards the others due to the fact that students may come from different school education projects, may have different ages and may come from different sociocultural areas.
The language school tries to make the student overcome his fears, among other objectives.
A new language with all its differences at all levels (phonetic, semantic, kinesthetic…) may frighten the student and block his oral expression. The teacher will try his best to introduce the differential traits in a progressive way through didactic exercises. The teacher will also use a different variety and updated material (written, audio and video) to motivate the student and make him feel eager to learn the new language. The objective is to make the student feel comfortable in this different linguistic context.
The pedagogic objectives are the acquisition of linguistic abilities and competences. The student has to show a constant progress in his oral and written expression and comprehension, as he needs to cope with the learning language environment to obtain the maximum level of competences defined in the European Linguistic Competence Framework, and to obtain official certificates.
The severity of the study work and the creation of the working habits in the class will be the key for success. We are aware it is important to work from a “necessity”. The learning process needs to be functional. This way, we must point out the creation and presentation of individual and group projects on a regular basis, following the guidelines given by the teachers, as well as the immediate corrections of the written works and the oral expressions (phonetically, semantically and register).
Our teachers are highly qualified professionals able to teach a foreign language. They regularly follow a methodological training which allows the incorporation of new didactic elements and promotes its application in class.
To speak a language is much more than having a perfect command of a different linguistic structure: it also means to communicate emotions, feelings and values. The school aim is for the students to speak.